Dispute an Article

We strive to ensure all our articles are factually correct. If a Seeking Alpha article contains a material factual inaccuracy, please follow our dispute process described below.

Please do not use the dispute process to disagree with the author. An analysts’ interpretations, assertions, analysis, analytical approach and conclusions are outside the scope of the disputes policy. Readers can post disagreements or challenges in the Comments section below an article, or contact the analyst directly.


The dispute process

If you have concerns regarding the accuracy of an article published on Seeking Alpha, please take the following steps:

  1. Submit a dispute by emailing disputes@seekingalpha.com. Please be sure to include a link to the article under dispute in addition to the below information.

  2. Present a numbered list (1,2,3...) of direct quotes from the article that are believed to be errors, along with your support for each dispute item.

What comes next?

Your dispute is reviewed by our disputes team. If the team is convinced that the article may indeed contain a material factual error, they will contact the analyst to have them correct the error or offer support for their statement that is under dispute. If a confirmed error impairs the article's thesis, we may decide to withdraw the article.

If the dispute is beyond the scope of our team to research, we will confer with the author to decide on next steps. At all times, the disputant is free to voice their dispute in the article's comments, or to publish a rebuttal article whose publication will be expedited by our editors. We also welcome responses from publicly-traded corporations to articles regarding their stock.


Article comments 

The above policy refers only to Articles submitted to and reviewed by our editors prior to publication. As per our, article comment sections are not generally reviewed. We do not adjudicate or moderate disputes of comments.